Everyone going through a divorce would likely agree that they would be happy if the overall stress of their divorce saw a serious reduction. Fortunately, this is actually possible for many people, as collaborative divorce can help a couple avoid court. Who does it...
Protecting Individuals, Families And Children Every Step Of The Way
3 reasons to consult a CPA in your divorce
Divorce is not a pleasant process for anyone, no matter how amicable you and your ex-spouse are. This is often due to the pressures of splitting assets fairly between the two of you. One way to lessen your financial headache is to work with a law office that also...
Mediation can smooth over these 3 key points in your divorce
During your divorce, there are sure to be points of contention on which neither spouse is willing to budge. An impartial third party can help settle matters patiently and fairly. The input of a mediator can be particularly valuable if you hire the services of a...
Why is a forensic accountant a useful ally during divorce?
During your marriage, you and your spouse were willing to share everything from assets to emotions. Now that it is time for a divorce, you may feel like you need to protect everything you were once willing to share. Your ex is likely experiencing the same feelings....
The importance of setting boundaries during the divorce process
Most relationships work best when there is mutual respect and a certain amount of give and take between two parties. In some marriages, however, there is an imbalance of power where one spouse takes more control. In cases where a power imbalance escalates to where one...
Back to the Basics: Ways to Divorce in Massachusetts
In Massachusetts, there are several potential ways to get a divorce. The way you choose largely depends on whether you and your spouse agree on the terms of your divorce and your personal preference. If you are confused about your options, call the Law Offices of Lisa...
Limited access means slower divorce proceedings
Everyone is adapting, between wearing masks, working remotely and even distancing from friends and family. We are all doing our part in order to adjust to the new standard of living. But what happens the new standard is affecting our marriage? According to the New...
Mediation in MA: 3 FAQs relevant for the coronavirus pandemic
Although still operating, the current coronavirus has slowed things down at the Massachusetts Probate and Family Courts. The court is currently operating following the guidelines as set by the Probate and Family Court Standing Order 2-20: Court operations under the...
3 missteps that can increase the cost of your divorce
Money can be one of the most stressful elements of a divorce. Divorcing spouses often worry about financial details like paying child support and dividing assets; they can also be anxious about how much the divorce itself will cost. If finances are a concern for you,...
Entering the New Year with Divorce
The New Year is just around the corner, and with it follows New Year resolutions filled with new goals and opportunities. For some, at the top of the resolution list may be the decision to file for divorce. Whether you are considering a divorce, or recently learned...