The fact that some marriages end in divorce is a reality that all couples thinking of marching down the aisle must consider. Some states are beginning to wonder what actions can be taken to reduce the divorce rate. While states such as Massachusetts have found...
Protecting Individuals, Families And Children Every Step Of The Way
Month: May 2013
Will Congress follow Massachusetts in same-sex partner adoption?
There have been huge gains made in the civil rights movement in the last 100 years. Knowing this, it is difficult to conceive that some people are still being discriminated against in modern times. Same-sex couples are still seeking equality. However, a bill soon to...
Massachusetts parents learn from public child support struggles
There are few people who have gone through a divorce and said it was a blissful process. Many times, it is a contentious battle filled with strong emotions. For those without children who seek divorce, a relatively clean break can be made; however, those with children...
Massachusetts study supports same-sex marriage and parents
Issues of gay rights have been widely reported in the news in recent weeks as the U.S. Supreme Court considers the issue. If the Supreme Court rules that a ban against same-sex marriage is unconstitutional, the lives of many gays and lesbians in Massachusetts and...
Massachusetts divorce laws could begin a nationwide trend
Almost a year ago, Massachusetts revised their divorce laws. Little did they know that their revisions could spark a nationwide trend as now other states are considering changing their divorce laws in a similar fashion, and the rest of the nation watches. One of the...