Same-sex couples often face extra hurdles in the divorce process. Many have found ending their marriage can be more expensive, time-consuming and complicated than it is for their heterosexual counterparts. These challenges can be especially prevalent when same-sex...
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Same-Sex Partners
How same-sex divorce is different from heterosexual divorces
Ever since the Supreme Court ruled in 2015 that a commitment of love between two people can be equal through the recognition of same-sex marriage, there has been much celebration and relief among many. However, there is another side to marriage that is not so easily...
Same-sex couples face divorce complications
Massachusetts was the sixth jurisdiction in the entire world to allow same-sex marriage when we legalized it in 2004. With the entire United States following our lead in 2015, rates of same-sex marriage have been on the rise. Unfortunately, this means divorce has also...
Divorce legal in at least 19 states for same-sex couples
In Boston, divorce for any kind of married couple has been normal for the last few years. In other states, that hasn't been the case, which is why if you were married in Massachusetts and are struggling with divorce outside the state, you may have to return to get...
Fight for same-sex marriage spreading across the country
Massachusetts has long been a state that has set the standard for same-sex marriage. Since it legalized same-sex marriage, several other states have followed. Proponents argue that it is a basic right that should not be denied. Since the Supreme Court ruled on the...
Federal government adds more rights to same-sex marriage couples
The path to equality has been a long, slow battle for some groups in this country. However, recent court rulings are increasingly providing more and more rights to same-sex couples, even for those couples who live in states such as Massachusetts that have allowed...
Woman denied same-sex partner adoption of legal son
In the majority of circumstances, the arrival of a new baby is longed-for, sought after and happily anticipated. The extreme joy that most parents experience at the arrival of their brand new bundle of joy is often difficult for those who do not have children to fully...
Same-sex marriage issues may complicate interstate travel
People going on long trips often know the complications of travel. There are bags to pack, ensuring that all items and potential weather contingencies are accounted for. If they have pets, travelers must secure care for the pet or make travel arrangements. If there...
Same-sex divorce often more expensive, complicated
Advocates for same-sex marriage have been celebrating two different rulings by the United States Supreme Court that many see as major victories for their cause. However, things aren't completely smooth sailing for same-sex couples, especially those seeking a same-sex...
Couple married in Massachusetts seeks same-sex divorce
Even before the Supreme Court ruling against the Defense of Marriage Act, divorce was tricky, at best, for couples married in states that allow same-sex marriage, such as Massachusetts, but living in a state that bans it. Now, weeks after the ruling, states seem to be...