Carefully planning and saving for your retirement takes a lot of work. If you and your spouse put money away in savings accounts, 401k accounts and/or IRAs, you probably have a substantial amount saved for the next chapter of your life. However, if you and your spouse...
Protecting Individuals, Families And Children Every Step Of The Way
For More Than 20 Years
Photo of Lisa A. Ruggieri P.C.
Month: May 2019
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Are baby boomers more likely to divorce than millennials?
Baby boomers have contributed a lot to society, but unfortunately an increasing divorce rate is one of their more recent contributions. Studies indicate that the baby boomer generation, people born between 1946 and 1964, has the highest divorce rate in American...
Divorcing a Narcissist can be more difficult than being married to one
Divorcing a narcissist can be expensive and exhausting. If you are married to a narcissist, here are some helpful tips: 1. Get a strong, knowledgeable and aggressive divorce attorney. 2. Get a therapist experienced in dealing with narcissistic personality disorder. 3....