There are new child support guidelines that have been in effect in Massachusetts since September 15 of 2017 These changes are not retroactive, and so if you already have an order in place, you don't need to worry. But if a child support order will be a part of your...
Protecting Individuals, Families And Children Every Step Of The Way
Month: November 2017
Commentators: think twice about a DIY divorce
There's no doubt that we live in an acronym-laden world these days, with the speed and pace of life often yielding shorthand depictions for things that used to be spelled out.Take the letters DIY, for example, which are scattered across a recent Reuters article on...
Five things men should think about during divorce
Of all the message boards and blog posts geared towards getting women prepared for divorce, very few identify or acknowledge the emotional pain men may endure. Perhaps the stereotype that men are supposed to be emotionless through trials may play a part in this....
Author’s once-controversial book on divorce now matter-of-fact
Psychologist and author Constance Ahrons related in a recent media account how a book she authored a generation back encountered considerable blow back and ire following its release.In fact, she says, third-party hostility was often the reaction aimed at her on a book...
Alimony front and center in new congressional bill
We have commented in some past blog posts that the unique nature of every family makes cookie-cutter strategies and solutions virtually worthless in most family law matters.And that is simply a flat-out truth, given that the particulars surrounding important things...
What is contempt, and how does it work in a family law matter?
If you've gone through a divorce with input from a Massachusetts family law judge, you undoubtedly appreciate the powers wielded by a court and understand why issued rulings are expected to be complied with.Courts are austere bodies, with judges clearly being cloaked...