Given the rising cost of a college education, an issue has arisen as to parents' responsibility for paying their child's tuition after divorce. It was recently released that the average cost for one year of tuition at a private college has exceeded $35,000 and that...
Protecting Individuals, Families And Children Every Step Of The Way
Month: June 2012
Child support may be easier to collect from parents living abroad
The United States House of Representatives recently passed a bill that could make it easier for child support to be collected from parents who reside outside of the United States. The bill is an attempt to ratify a 2007 international treaty with other countries. If...
Will the divorce hotel work?
Influenced by the expeditious American wedding, a man has introduced the idea of a divorce hotel, a way for couples to quickly resolve their divorce issues over the course of a weekend. The idea behind the divorce hotel is to provide couples who are planning on...
Massachusetts court says DOMA is unconstitutional
A Boston federal court has ruled that a law denying same-sex couples certain government rights is unconstitutional. In a ruling handed down on May 31, the 1st Circuit Court of Appeals declared that the language as set forth in the Defense of Marriage Act inhibits the...