Most relationships work best when there is mutual respect and a certain amount of give and take between two parties. In some marriages, however, there is an imbalance of power where one spouse takes more control. In cases where a power imbalance escalates to where one...
Protecting Individuals, Families And Children Every Step Of The Way
Month: March 2016
How to protect your credit score while going through a divorce
An individual's financial security is dependent upon many things including one's ability to access and obtain credit. In cases where an individual is planning to file for or is going through a divorce, it's important to take steps to protect or boost an existing...
Tax changes triggered by divorce
The 2016 tax filing deadline is quickly approaching and individuals and couples throughout the U.S. have just 38 days to gather important tax documents and file their tax returns. For individuals who divorced during 2015, it's important to understand the related tax...
Married with no prenup? Why you may want to consider a postnuptial agreement
In previous blog posts, we’ve discussed how married individuals and couples can benefit by having a prenuptial agreement. Such as agreement is drafted and executed by both parties prior to marrying and provides details related to the assets and debts that each...