Divorce rates have been increasing among married couples in their 50s and older. The divorce rate for these older couples has increased over the last several decades. Often called a gray divorce, there are unique challenges, considerations and factors that contribute...
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Divorce Over 50/Gray Divorce
Consider the advantages of a late-in-life divorce
People considering divorce after 50 often worry about the downsides: loneliness, upset adult children, the loss of companionship and established routines. But there also is the potential for a happier life after a divorce. The key to a beneficial divorce is to prepare...
How will divorce affect my health insurance?
People at any age are often concerned about covering health care costs and maintaining health insurance coverage. When couples divorce, what happens to their health insurance? One factor that becomes more important in today's economy is the cost and availability of...
Does divorce over age 50 wipe out your retirement savings?
Divorcing after a long marriage means reevaluating your retirement plan. Much of the money invested and earned in these accounts is marital property and subject to equitable division. With proper planning, you and your ex-spouse can live comfortably in retirement....
Issues to Consider when Divorcing Over 50
The number of people divorcing after 50 has doubled since 1990. Although there are many theories to explain this rise, experts point to longer life expectancy and continuing opportunities to grow, and in turn, grow apart. As children become adults and move out of the...
What happens to your retirement fund during divorce?
Carefully planning and saving for your retirement takes a lot of work. If you and your spouse put money away in savings accounts, 401k accounts and/or IRAs, you probably have a substantial amount saved for the next chapter of your life. However, if you and your spouse...
Are baby boomers more likely to divorce than millennials?
Baby boomers have contributed a lot to society, but unfortunately an increasing divorce rate is one of their more recent contributions. Studies indicate that the baby boomer generation, people born between 1946 and 1964, has the highest divorce rate in American...
Surprising facts you may not know about gray divorce
It can be difficult for people to understand why a married couple who has been married for 20, 30 or even 40 years has chosen to divorce. One reason it can be hard to comprehend this decision is because it was once a relatively rare occurrence for older Americans to...
Building and maintaining resilience after a gray divorce
Since the 1990s, the divorce rates among U.S. adults 50 or older has nearly doubled. The uptick is partially due to people living longer in general. With a longer life comes re-evaluation and a chance to leave an unhappy situation in the hopes of finding a fresh...
Consequences of divorce when kids are in college
Family is important to many Massachusetts parents. When kids are young and in the house, parents may feel more obligated to stay together to raise their kids. Two-parent households often feel more effective in raising children. But when kids go to college parents may...