If you and your spouse are considering a divorce, you have different options depending on the nature of your separation. You can file for an uncontested divorce when you both agree on the legal reason for separating and how to manage your marital assets. An...
Protecting Individuals, Families And Children Every Step Of The Way
Year: 2022
How will divorce affect my health insurance?
People at any age are often concerned about covering health care costs and maintaining health insurance coverage. When couples divorce, what happens to their health insurance? One factor that becomes more important in today's economy is the cost and availability of...
Dealing with the aftermath of a gray divorce
Given that those involved in a gray divorce are typically over 50, it might seem like there are fewer complications and concerns that a standard divorce involving custody battles or child support payments. Gray divorces represent about one-fourth of divorces taking...
4 common reasons for gray divorces
Divorce can happen to you at any age. When it occurs late in life and after multiple decades of a relationship, you may find your reasons for divorce differ from those in their twenties and early thirties. Self-exploration You may want to grow as a person and evolve...
Who does collaborative divorce work for?
Everyone going through a divorce would likely agree that they would be happy if the overall stress of their divorce saw a serious reduction. Fortunately, this is actually possible for many people, as collaborative divorce can help a couple avoid court. Who does it...
3 reasons to consult a CPA in your divorce
Divorce is not a pleasant process for anyone, no matter how amicable you and your ex-spouse are. This is often due to the pressures of splitting assets fairly between the two of you. One way to lessen your financial headache is to work with a law office that also...
Mediation can smooth over these 3 key points in your divorce
During your divorce, there are sure to be points of contention on which neither spouse is willing to budge. An impartial third party can help settle matters patiently and fairly. The input of a mediator can be particularly valuable if you hire the services of a...
Does divorce over age 50 wipe out your retirement savings?
Divorcing after a long marriage means reevaluating your retirement plan. Much of the money invested and earned in these accounts is marital property and subject to equitable division. With proper planning, you and your ex-spouse can live comfortably in retirement....
Why is a forensic accountant a useful ally during divorce?
During your marriage, you and your spouse were willing to share everything from assets to emotions. Now that it is time for a divorce, you may feel like you need to protect everything you were once willing to share. Your ex is likely experiencing the same feelings....