Divorces are difficult for families, and they can have several elements involved that make them drag on for a significant amount of time. This is particularly true if you're faced with a high-asset divorce. Marriages with many assets must break these down and split...
Protecting Individuals, Families And Children Every Step Of The Way
Year: 2014
You have the right to child support in Massachusetts
Child support is not something that you and a spouse should have to fight over after a divorce or break up; it's meant to go to your children, the children you raised and intended on supporting until their adult lives. Although this is the case, sometimes you and the...
Are there special forms to file for a divorce in Massachusetts?
So, you've decided to file for divorce. You're likely wondering where to begin. It seems like a major task, and if you don't fill out all the paperwork, it can be troublesome. Fortunately, it's fairly easy to complete the paperwork as long as you do it in order.When...
Massachusetts law: Parents and having children out of wedlock
Having children out of wedlock is not uncommon. Of course, if this happens, paternity needs to be established. Maternity is typically assumed, although in some cases, like those with surrogates, even maternity can be challenged.If you're a father who had a child out...
Relocating: Your child and your rights as a parent
When you are divorced, you sometimes come across difficult situations that other families may not face. For instance, if you're given the opportunity to take a good job in another state but have a child in your custody, will you be able to move away from your son or...
Domestic partnerships versus marriages in Massachusetts
When you're considering your future with your partner in Massachusetts, you have a number of options. Both heterosexual and homosexual couples are able to obtain licenses to marry in Massachusetts, but some couples may want to opt for a domestic partnership or civil...
Is an annulment easier than a divorce in Massachusetts?
An annulment is a different way to separate from a partner in Massachusetts. It is similar to a divorce. It is a court order that dissolves a marriage, but it has the legal effect of making it so a marriage never even existed. That means that both people will go on...
Paul George faces trial over father’s rights and paternity
Paternity is a difficult issue for some people. Taking the test may seem invasive, especially to those who weren't expecting to be accused of being the father of a child after a one-night stand or short relationship. Taking the DNA test is simple, and if you believe...
Alimony In Massachusetts: Payments and Your Needs
What is spousal support like in Massachusetts? Massachusetts has alimony, which is simply the money one spouse pays to the other to help support them after a divorce. The amount of money can be decided by the couple or by the court, depending on the situation.The...
Who gets an engagement ring in a broken engagement?
Here's an interesting fact that you might not have known. When an engagement is broken, deciding who keeps an engagement ring can become a legal battle. The way the ring is distributed depends on how the court looks at the case. To view the ring as a gift, the giver...