It is important to know the psychological stages that you will go through during a divorce. Knowing them can help you deal with them constructively and effectively.
No matter the length of your marriage, you will go through each stage. The longer the marriage, the more likely you will suffer a severe impact.
1. Blame
The couple starts to blame each other for things that may or may not be their fault. You might feel:
- Negative self-worth
- Dissatisfaction
- Guilt
- Depression
- Distance
There are consequences to these feelings, which can cause a further breakdown of your relationship.
2. Mourning
You will mourn the loss of your relationship and intimacy. It is not unlike the grieving process, but instead of greaving for a person, you are grieving over your relationship.
3. Anger
You will get angry towards your spouse or possibly all members of the opposite sex. Behind the anger, there is usually fear and uncertainty. You may resent your partner, and it becomes an emotional rollercoaster.
4. Decision to divorce
This stage is where the decision to divorce generally comes in. Once the anger starts to dissipate, you start to feel a sense of freedom. You create an emotional distance and possibly try new things.
5. Beginning again
In this stage, you begin to get your life together and begin anew after the divorce. You are getting used to being on your own, and the idea that you will be alright becomes a reality.
The steps leading to divorce are generally turbulent and emotional. Although it may not be pleasant, you will get through it with emotional support.