For some couples, divorce is a long, hard-fought process where at least one spouse is determined to win at any cost. These divorces can drag on for years, taking a heavy emotional toll on everyone involved. But it doesn’t have to be that way. If you and your spouse can agree on all the issues that need to be resolved in your divorce, you can obtain an uncontested divorce, also known as a “1A” divorce. Uncontested divorces are the quickest and cheapest way to end a marriage in Massachusetts.
Who Can File for an Uncontested Divorce?
Before you file for an uncontested divorce, you must have resolved all the issues in your divorce, including division of property and debts, alimony, child custody, child support and any other financial issues.
To do this, you and your spouse must be willing to be honest with each other, especially when it comes to finances. You must both truly want to work out your issues in a way that is fair, because uncontested divorce is based on agreement, not on winners and losers. And if you have children, you must be willing to place their needs ahead of your own.
Some couples are able to reach an agreement on their own, and others do it with legal assistance. Financial and custody issues can be complicated, so you should always get advice from a lawyer and understand your rights before trying to negotiate critical issues in your divorce.
Filing for an Uncontested Divorce
The Law Offices of Lisa A. Ruggieri can file all the necessary forms along with a fully executed joint separation agreement that describes how all the issues in the marriage have been resolved. A financial statement for each of the parties will also be filed.
An uncontested divorce can be a relatively simple, quick and inexpensive way to end a marriage. But negotiating all the issues can be complicated, and it’s important to understand your rights before you agree to anything.
Contact the Law Offices of Lisa Ruggieri, P.C. to understand your options and how to navigate your divorce or future divorce to a successful and amicable resolution.