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Prenups increasingly common, seen more objectively these days

On Behalf of | Jan 22, 2018 | Divorce

If you’re old enough, you likely remember a time when it seemed almost taboo to interject the words “prenuptial agreement” into any marriage-related conversation.

The phrase unquestionably carried a stigma and negative connotation for legions of people, who viewed the very idea of executing such a contract prior to taking wedding vows as undermining love and marriage itself. How could a future union be solidified with a signed legal instrument providing for specific legal outcomes in the event of its failure?

We note that still prevalent attitude — at least for some — on our Massachusetts family law website at the Law Offices of Lisa A. Ruggieri. And although we acknowledge that select individuals still see prenups as “a sign that the marriage is already set to fail,” we don’t view that legal agreement in such terms at all.

In fact, we join a progressively growing number of Americans across the country who regard marital contracts as being simply practical and quite objective documents that mutually advance a couple’s important financial interests. When timely discussed and properly executed, the upsides inherent in a prenuptial contract can be many and material.

Millennials seem to be increasingly espousing that view. A recent article focusing on that demographic’s mindset concerning prenups emphasizes the group’s general endorsement of such contracts.

“Millennials are predisposed to protect their assets,” says the president of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers. And that concern is being followed up on by an ever-higher number of young couples turning to proven family law attorneys for education and guidance surrounding prenups.

We stress on our site that premarital agreements serve an important function for many marrying partners, and make flatly strong sense “if you and/or your soon-to-be spouse have assets you wish to be protected.”

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Lisa guided me through the divorce process and helped me obtain my desired outcome. Throughout the entire process, she helped make the process as painless as possible. Lisa is truly a super lawyer who will be an asset to anyone that utilizes her knowledge, experience, dedication and abilities!

– Eric E.

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My ex husband is an attorney and I knew I needed a top notch attorney on my side in order to secure a favorable outcome. In less than a month, from start to finish, Attorney Ruggieri successfully settled my case with just one court appearance.

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All of the online reviews of Attorney Lisa Ruggieri are true! If you need top-notch legal advice to land you on your feet post-divorce, I would highly recommend the Law Offices of Lisa Ruggieri. Lisa is very knowledgeable and draws a strong line around defending and protecting her clients.

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I found Lisa through reviews and was not disappointed. Lisa and her staff were great! They were very supportive and explained everything. She was aggressive and never backed down, even when I wanted to settle. She always looked out for my best interest, even when I didn’t want to. I can’t recall a single debate she lost during the entire case. If I were ever in a similar situation again (which will not be anytime in the foreseeable future!), I would call Lisa.

– Erik T.