Divorce can be hard on spouses, but it can also be devastating for children. Children who once saw their parents daily may now see them only a few times a week, and that can be difficult. Creating a parenting plan that works well for you and your ex will help alleviate any stress your child is going through. Knowing parents are working together and providing a safe environment to live in is important.
If you and your ex can work together to make an amicable parenting plan, it’s more likely that you will have fewer problems with child custody down the line. For instance, if you have to work a 40-hour week from 9 to 5 and your child has to go to school from 8 to 4, it may be reasonable to have your children live with you and have a babysitter or relative watch them for the hour until you get home. Then, weekends and summers could be spent with the other parent. This would be one potential way to designate time with your child.
Your parenting plan should also state how decisions are going to be made. Are medical decisions to be made independently when the need arises, or will both parents need to be informed of the problem? Who will be responsible for schooling and school records? What happens if you can’t agree on an important decision about your child?
Our website has more information about parenting plans and how they can help you decide on a number of things. Whether you’re considering how your parenting time will be shared or how to relocate, there is information that can help.