If you’re a fan of rock, then you may have heard the news that rocker Slash has decided to separate and divorce from his wife of 13 years. He filed the paperwork in Los Angeles, according to the report from December 30, citing irreconcilable differences with his wife.
The two have allegedly been separated since June 15, court papers showed. The two have two children, a 12-year-old and 10-year-old. The two boys recently went to Hawaii with their 39-year-old mother, the report claims, supporting the fact that Slash, known as Saul Hudson in the court papers, has requested joint custody.
The 49-year-old guitarist had filed paperwork for a divorce in 2010. At that time, he withdrew the petition two months later when the couple reconciled. He has previously cited that his wife had helped him stop smoking, drinking and taking drugs. A year later in 2011, the two renewed their vows, which may have led to the appearance that all was well in the couple’s lives. That was not to last, but with the paperwork only filed recently, there is still time for it to be withdrawn if necessary.
In your case, your divorce may be amicable and allow you and your soon-to-be-ex to determine what you want to do about your assets, child custody, alimony and other topics. If it’s not amicable or if there are topics of contention, speaking with someone familiar with the laws in Massachusetts can help. You may be able to work with a team that can help you both come to a settlement that you can agree on now and in the future.
Source: Ultimate Classic Rock, “Slash reportedly files for divorce from wife of 13 years” Nick Deriso, Dec. 30, 2014